Announcer Mike Jay Mayor Mark Huston "Voice of the Drake Relays" 2022 Columbus Community Distinguished Citizens Ron Cutkomp Ken Purdy Lee and Carol Foster I'm honored to be on the stage with these folks and having Mayor Mark Huston present the plaque and the best Track and Field Announcer in the U.S. Mike Jay ("Voice of the Drake Relays") do the announcing. Mike Jay, Ron Cutkomp, and Mark Huston are former students of mine. Click here for the Segway Drill Team and the announcement of the Columbus Community Distinguished Citizens
Cell: 319-212-0188 23423 Highway 92 Columbus Junction, IA 52738 Columbus Junction Purdy Hill, My Weather Station Ken Purdy Cabin Port Louisa MM 441 Station
Representing District IV Eastern Iowa REC Director and Vice President Lone Tree since 2012 28 National REC Classes Passed Offices held - Asst. Secretary, Secretary, Treasurer, & currently VICE PRESIDENT. Louisa County Supervisor 2001-2008 Retired Math/Computer Teacher after 34 years Wrestling Coach 18 years, Track Coach 31 Years Eastern Iowa REC Site Iowa Coops Outages Trump Boat Parade Video 2020 at Muscatine Trump Boat Parade 2024 Information Flyer CP Enterprises Apartments and Business space Ken Purdy's Photos updated from Ken's iPhone Ken Purdy's Long Time Favorite Photos Tom Purdy Croquet Tournament Welcome to Columbus Junction Video and History Hal Cross Wapello Music Endowment Donors KWWL Ron Steele Video Wapello Band 2008 Flood Photos Below |
ITEMS FOR SALE BY KEN PURDY Brock Purdy is on stage with a PURDY descendant, Carson Orr, while at Iowa State. Guitar player Carson Orr's great great grandfather was Edgar PURDY of Wapello IA born in England. Edgar was my dad. I like to tell people I could be a distant cousin to Brock. That would be my honor. Hope to meet him some day. Click the image to view the short YouTube video (skip the ad when you can). |
Eastern Iowa Light and
Power REC Board of Directors 2024-25 |
Jo Anne
Emerson, former CEO NRECA presenting Ken
Purdy, EILP REC Director with the NRECA (National Rural Electric Cooperative Association) CCD (Cooperative Credentialed Director) Certificate on September 10, 2014 |
Matheson, CEO NRECA presenting Ken Purdy, EILP
REC Director with the Director Gold award 2018. |
Thanks for the continuing
opportunity to serve on the Eastern Iowa Light and
Power REC board of directors. It is an honor and
pleasure serving you. I've gained
much knowledge through direct experience on the board
and by taking over 24 educational training classes. In
2023, I was voted Vice President by
the Board of Directors. |
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Aerial Photos of Columbus Junction
7/12/11 Click on photo to see photos. |
Guinness World Record 27
hrs. in a Bouncy Castle set at Louisa County Fair July 27, 2012 Click on photo for16 minute movie! It may take awhile to play. |
Click photo to view video! EILP REC ground breaking May 26, 2020 for the new Wapello, IA facility. CEO Kirk Trede, Pres. Gary Kester, VP Tom Hotz, Dir. Skip Crew, Sec. Kathy Wunderlich, Treas. Ken Purdy, City Clerk Mike Delzell, Mayor Shawn Maine. |
2. Started the clean up of contaminated soil at the
Texaco Station in Oakville, This includes excavation of soil and
demolishing the old station and getting the property back on the
tax rolls, at no cost to the county. I helped find out that
county's are eligible for Underground Storage Tank clean up
funds. $300,000 from the state Underground Storage Tank funds
will be used in Louisa County for the clean up at no cost to the
county. No matching dollars are required for countys. A new well
was intstalled for the city of Oakville at no cost to local
3. Helped guide the progress of getting the GIS
(Geographical Information System) for the county. The system
involves taking high resolution aerial photographs of the
county, digitizing the photos and putting them into a computer,
and attaching data layers to the aerial photograph. Some of the
data layers are: text documents in the court house involving
real estate information and taxes, roads and right a way layers,
utilities, lot lines, 911 addresses, confinement facilities and
minimum distances to neighbors, trails, conservation board
ground, school district boundaries, fire districts, etc. The
system should streamline the work in several offices and help
the constituent access information quicker and easier.
4. With the recommendations of existing staff and the
board of supervisors, helped guide and approve the
reorganization of Community Services and the CPC's office into
one office. This reorganization saved 4/5 the cost of one full
time equivalent person and benefits.
5. Helped guide the Louisa Regional Solid Waste Agency
in managing the closed landfill at Cairo and the Transfer
station in Wapello. This process involved meeting requirements
of the DNR and past debt obligations of the agency to Great
River Solid Waste. The Louisa Regional Solid Waste Agency is
operating smoothly.
6. Helped score the first Matrix (animal confinement
scoring sheet) for the DNR in the county. This scoring system
introduced by the DNR this year is used to evaluate animal
confinement facilities. Unfortunately, this is only for
facilities housing over 2500 animal units and the DNR still has
the final say. However, by a county board of supervisors being
willing to score the matrix, this gives the board of supervisors
the right to give input to the DNR on whether to issue a
construction permit.
7. Manually helped clean up the Fredonia Cemetery of old
LP tanks and dispose of them properly at no cost to the county.
8. Was one of the intial organizers of the Community Foundation of Louisa County. I am on the board of directors and am active in granting the $58,000 + money coming from state gambling revenue to Louisa County organizations. The goal is to grow a permanent endowment fund (a fund you only spend the interest off) to do good in Louisa County forever. To date, the Community Foundation has over $100,000 in their pemranent endowment funds. The goal is to raise this to a million dollars.
9. Helping the board lead the new jail project and passing the 1% local option sales tax to fund the new jail. The Jail should be completed in April 2009.
10. Helping the board on it's effort to pave the last 3 miles of the great river road.
11. Helped witht the flood recovery efforts.
12. Changed county zoning requirement from 5 acres to 2 acres for a dwelling in the unincorperarted area with safe guards for prime farm ground.
13. Helped an individual get a buy out when originally not on the list. He will get over $100,000 because of my efforts.
14. Helped the same individual in his dealings with county zoning so he could build a house on his high ground after the flood of 2008. My belief is a zoning administrator should help an individual with the zoning hurdles put in front of them. This will create a job for a local contractor and increase the tax base.
I am a life long resident of Louisa County so I feel I am very knowledgeable about the county. I spent the first 22 years of my life in Wapello, IA where I graduated from high school in 1961, first in my class. I got my Masters Degree in Mathematical Statistics from the University of IA in 1969.
I taught HS mathematics at the Columbus Community School District from 1965-1999. I started the wrestling program at Columbus and coached wrestling for 18 years, and coached the boys track team for 30 years. All programs (math, wrestling, track) were very successful.
I retired from teaching in June of 1999. I now have the time to devote to being a county supervisor and do devote the needed time.
As a youth in Wapello I worked on farms around Wapello (John Hupp, Paul Buster, Wayne Ryan,Jack Dotson, etc). While going to college I worked summers at the US Gypsum plant in Sperry, IA. I worked 2 summers for the Louisa County engineer on a survey crew out on the roads and drew cross sections of the roads of Louisa County in the office. It was fun work. I learned a lot about surveying and the county road system and it paid my way through college.
While teaching at Columbus I was active in the salary negotiation process and learned to deal with multi-million dollar budgets. I was instrumental in the fund raising project to build the all weather track in CJ. I worked one summer at the former Rath Packing Plant in CJ to see first hand what the parents of a lot of my students did.
Yes, I feel I am very knowledgable of the county. I feel I can make informed logical decisions because of my background.
The supervisors are in charge of the non elected officials in Louisa County, such as the county engineer (Secondary Road Dept.), Community Services and CPC director, and court house custodian. The supervisors make appointments to the board of health, conservation board, etc. The supervisors also approve the budget of each department, including elected officials, so they do have a significant influence on the other elected officials. Besides the weekly regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday mornings at the court house, each supervisor is on various committees that meet during the week representing the county.
Forrest Bartenhagen
(1997-2006), Ken Purdy (2001-2008), Jim Howell (2001-2004) Louisa County Supervisors at County Fair |
Jim Howell (2001-2004),
Forrest Bartenhagen (1997-2006), Ken Purdy (2001-2008) Louisa
County Supervisors in Board room at court house. |
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